Where ‘watering’ a lawn is a simple step, there ‘proper watering’ is the most crucial step to be done. It will not only make your lawn healthy but will also save a considerable amount of water. We are at that critical stage where saving water is essential. But you need not to compromise the beauty of your lawn. Remember, unnecessary watering is not the right way to beautify your lawn. The efficient use of water followed by simple management practices can reduce the usage of water to a great extent while maintaining healthy and attractive landscapes. Also, experts say that the value of your home increases by 14% if the lawn is healthy.
The good thing is that the effective water conserving techniques are affordable. The following are some of the smart tips for water saving irrigation –
- Water deeply, not unnecessarily –
Irrigation permits the water to soak into the soil slowly, so don’t apply water hurriedly. When water is dampened quickly, and in large amount, much of it is lost to run-off. Drip irrigation is the best choice for this purpose, but sprinklers can also work. Allow irrigation to moisten the ground deeply, up to six inches. With deep irrigation, the prominent advantage comes to roots as they become healthier. Frequent and shallow watering promotes shallow root systems, and they are more susceptive to drought. So, try to reduce the frequency of watering and let the soil to dry between consecutive waterings. Moreover, you can set the watering frequency depending on the plant age. Older plants have deeper roots, so they demand less irrigation.
- Garden beds and Mulch trees –
Mulch trees provide numerous services in the garden. They not only add beauty to the lawn but also helps in controlling soil erosion and managing weeds. Mulch also helps in maintaining the moisture of the soil as it reduces the rate of evaporation. Furthermore, plant-based mulches add organic material to the field over time and help in enhancing the water-holding capacity of the soil.
- Reduce run-off –
Run-off from the lawn leads to water wastage and also act as a source of pollution to natural waterways. It is because the run-off carries soil particles and chemicals present in the garden along with it to lakes and rivers. Run-off occurs when water is applied quickly and heavily. It can happen either due to heavy rainfall or wrong irrigation practices. It is crucial to prevent run-off so that the water is not wasted and is absorbed by the plants in the lawn. Run-off can be reduced by –
> Building rain gardens to trap water on slopes
> Emptying downspouts into the lawn rather than on the street
> Using sprinklers and drip irrigation to water slowly
- Switch to smart technology –
If you are using an irrigation system, then upgrade it to a smart controller or prefer installing a rain sensor. Smart controllers can measure the conditions of soil moisture and can automatically set the schedules for watering depending on landscape conditions. Rain sensors are not at all expensive, and the best thing about them is that they are retrofit to most of the irrigation systems. Don’t commit the mistake of forgetting the plants after setting them. They demand proper care.
- Maintain irrigation systems and sprinklers –
In lawns, leaky taps and broken sprinkler heads can lead to massive wastage of water. It can cause unnecessary expenditure on water bills. And if not treated on time, you may have to spend extra money at a later stage for repairments. Look for broken sprinkler heads and get them fixed on time.
Stick to the above-given tips and save water – precious god gift!