The exterior of your house contributes about fifty per cent to your home’s value. Whether it’s your backyard or outdoor living space, keeping it up to date should be on your priority list. Adding a sprinkler system or a smart irrigation system can serve most of the needs of your plants, trees, shrubs and soil.

Sprinkler systems can be your escape route from the daily duties of watering your plants accurately. If your garden has an existing sprinkler system, then you should not overlook it for too long. It might need some maintenance and repairs to work efficiently.

Incorporating some modernized feature, updating the equipment and adjusting the sprinkler pressure can improve its overall performance. But most people are not aware of how to spot whether their sprinklers are screaming for help? There might be a need for a repair or installation of a new sprinkler system. So, today we are sharing some of the most common warning signs that you should not neglect.

Lack of Maintenance- Many homeowners skip the routine maintenance of their irrigation system. Since the system is placed in your landscaping, it is exposed to many environmental factors. However, with time, these environmental factors and intrusion of critters can cause wear and tear in your sprinkler system. For instance, heavy storms can make debris block the openings of the sprinkler, rodents can break the wiring and connections, and the water pressure can fall with time.

If pest infestation is your major problem, then go for adding elements that can deter intruders from entering your garden and damaging your irrigation system. Besides, you must clean the nozzles of the sprinkler and other parts and inspect for upgradations. A weekly check-up and cleanliness routine can save you from spending on repairs. Keep that in mind!

Sprinkler Malfunction- You may experience that your plants are not receiving enough water for them to survive or there could be pale patches of grass in your garden. Another thing that can help you figure out that something is wrong with your sprinkler system is when most of the water doesn’t reaches your garden and is absorbed by the concrete. The most common things homeowners usually face is the increment in their water bills and the poor condition of their yard.

The sprinkler malfunction could include broken and damaged sprinkler pipes and wiring, clogged nozzles, water leaks, damaged time controller and backflow vulnerability.

If you are facing any such trouble, it is in the best interest to seek professional help. It clearly shows that your sprinklers aren’t functioning well and they need expert sprinkler repair and maintenance services.

Incorrect Fitting- If you are facing issues with your sprinkler system during the time of its installation, then the fault is not in your sprinkler system but its installation. If you notice problems featuring low coverage, incorrect water pressure or wiring issues, then your technicians have not fitted your sprinkler systems accurately. It is time that you seek professional help and get your sprinklers fixed appropriately.