By installing a landscape lighting system to the exterior of your house can enhance the beauty and appeal of your house. But before planning on a landscape lighting you must keep certain things in your mind like know the outer areas of your house you want to light, choose the right lighting techniques and look for the fixtures and accessories to obtain the desired effect.

There are many types of landscape lighting. Some of them are as follows :

  • Box shape : These lighting designs directly focus on light beams and cut off the glare in order to save the lamp and socket from moisture.
  • Wall bracket : They are designed as to be mounted on the entry doors. Their lantern style design casts the light outward in a direct or diffused manner.
  • Post lights : These lights cater to driveways, pools, steps or garden walking areas highlighting that particular area and enhancing the look of it.
  • Well light or in – ground : They are used for lighting trees and shrubs and are also used for grazing of textured walls.

Therefore, it is very important to select the right kind of lighting that suits your landscape in order to make it attractive and appealing. Because that will enhance the beauty of your house.


Below stated are some landscape lighting tips for beginners:

  • Observe the exterior of your house : The first step is to observe the exterior of your house and select which areas need lighting. This will give you a basic idea about your house and will allow you to select the best lighting. Without looking around your house you won’t be able to make out about the areas which need lighting and you won’t be able to judge its look after landscape lighting is installed.
  • Decide the subject : You need to decide what basically you want to highlight in your design. Whether it is the landscape of your house, particular trees and shrubs, any fountain or the courtyard, you need to pick a particular subject. Mostly the lighting is done to the exterior of the house in order to enhance its outlook.
  • Select the light : It is very important to select the right kind of lighting for your house in order for it to suit the environment. If you end up selecting the wrong lighting then you won’t receive the desired results. The primary choices for landscape lighting are flood lights, spotlights and path lights or even a combination of all three depending upon how you want your exterior house to look. Then after that you have to choose between LED, halogen or fluorescent lighting again depending upon the subject you want to decorate.
  • Picking the right company for the job : Another essential decision is to select the right company for this work. Selection should be done on the basis of the company’s reputation, experience, client review and expertise. If you end up picking the wrong company then you won’t receive the results as per your expectations. But the right company will properly study your house and work according to your preferences which will lead to desired results.