If you are planning for an imminent project of installing a sprinkler system on your residential premises for the purpose of irrigating your lawns, the following guidelines will serve as the parameters that you would have to keep in mind while rendering the services of a professional contractor.


Planning The Sprinkler Design

Make sure that you establish a line of contact with your landscape contractor before you commence the installation of your sprinkler system on your residential premises. This would fulfill the purpose of putting in place a layout plan for the system that will be installed. Your landscape contractor must visit the site of installation to examine the surroundings and draw the necessary conclusions and details that need to be noted for the project at hand. Some of these would be inclusive of taking the pressure, noting the flow readings, verifying the type of soil, the slope, and other associated conditions. These details would prove to be crucial in the planning of a successful sprinkler system.

The Regulations

For installing a sprinkler system on residential premises, your landscape contractor might have to communicate with the city officials to inquire about the water regulations. There are many cities which have certain rules and restrictions that are expected to be followed by the residents. Some of the common rules could be watering only on even or odd days, for instance, and the like. Your contractor must have the experience and professionalism to take care of clearing all these doubts before you start the installation of your sprinkler systems.

Written Estimates

Be certain to settle down upon a final deal with a landscape contractor who is willing to provide you with a written irrigation plan for your sprinkler system installation. This would be emblematic of a full coverage over the said landscape. The irrigation plan is oftentimes created in correspondence with the overall landscape plan. Additionally, written estimates and details would mean that you, as a client, will be aware of all the prerequisite details that make up for the scheme of the plan.

Precautionary Measures

One of the foremost precautionary measures that you would have to take into account is to avoid overspraying at all costs. When your sprinkler system has a tendency to spray pass the demarcations of the lawn into your patios, driveways, or pathways, there is a considerable amount of water wastage. Overspraying can also lead to a potential safety hazard because it can facilitate the surface of your driveways to become more slippery and thereby more prone to cause accidents. To avoid overspraying your lawn, you would have to design an easy coverage of the space for the sprinklers. It is estimated that lawns that are squares and rectangles are comparatively easy to irrigate without risk in the factor of overspraying. Keep this in mind when you are having a discussion with your professional landscape contractor during the installation and the planning process.

Underground Irrigation
One of the most efficient solutions to counter the problem of overspraying is to install an underground drip system. If you have a lawn that curves in the perimeters or is not a perfect square or rectangle shaped space, and an underground drip system would help you to install the sprinklers without risking overspraying.
Nevertheless, organic curves in lawns might be a little more challenging to handle. This is because sprinkler heads generally spray in a fixed pattern, which could be a quarter circle, a semi-circle, or a full circle. Broader curves have the advantage of being irrigated without risking overspray, while, on the other hand, if the lawns are in a zigzag or an extremely jagged pattern, they might not be irrigated quite as efficiently.

If you are in search of a reliable name in the industry of irrigation and landscape sprinkler systems, you can depend on the name of Pro Green Irrigation.