02 Sep 2019

Amazing Benefits of Irrigation Rain Sensors

When you love gardening and want your yard to remain in good health, then you require a well-equipped irrigation system. These days different types of irrigation systems are available from gardens. But important is that you should be responsible and make sure that water is not wasted. A simple and efficient solution to this is installing rain sensors. Getting rain sensors installed ensure that the irrigation system is deactivated during rain. Rain sensors interact with an automatic sprinkler system so that it does not water the yard directly after a good rain.

Now, let us look at more benefits of rain sensors when you get it installed along with the irrigation system.

  1. Help in conserving water – The main purpose of the rain sensor is to conserve water. It does so by detecting the rain and then turning the sprinklers off. Rain sensors send signals to irrigation controllers to shut off the set timers if any. Water wastage is reduced to a great level as the yard is already watered through the rain. Plus point is that rainwater is a good source of minerals and thus can provide a sufficient amount of nutrients to plants. With the advent of technology, such sensors are also available, that can power the sprinklers on when watering is required or when they sense evaporating.
  2. Helps in preventing water damage – Over-watering can lead to different diseases in plants. It washes off all the essential nutrients from the top layer of the soil that directly affect the health of plants. Rain sensors avoid water-logging, which both rain and sprinklers can cause. The sensors automatically turn on the sprinklers when the soil dries. This automatic system is quite beneficial and time-saving. It also prevents water damage that can happen to plants.
  3. Increase the life of irrigation system – The rain sensors when used along with the irrigation system let sprinklers rest when it rains. The more you will rely on rain water; the lesser sprinklers have to work. Since the irrigation system operates less, it will be the least damaged. So, they will last longer.
  4. Helps in saving money – When the irrigation system functions daily, your electricity and water bills increases. In this rain, sensors can help a lot. They don’t let the irrigation system to irrigate the yard unnecessarily. Thus your money on bills will be saved to a huge extent. Moreover, the components of the irrigation system will not require frequent changes, and therefore, their durability will increase.
  5. Helps in reducing groundwater pollution – Excess of water on the soil leads to water runoff along with debris. Irrigation systems combined with rain sensors don’t let this happen. They prevent runoff water carrying chemicals, fertilizers and other waste from seeping into the groundwater. Runoff water can otherwise pollute the groundwater with all the rubbish and chemicals.

So what are you waiting for? If you also love mother earth and are against water wastage, then get an irrigation system with rain sensors installed in your yard.


16 Apr 2019

Common Sprinkler Head Problems and Solutions to them

Nowadays, sprinklers are designed are robust and easy to repair. It is essential that you keep your sprinkler system intact and free of dirt and debris. The in-ground sprinklers are all the easier to maintain and fix. There are a few common sprinkler problems that you might face, which could be fixed with minimum efforts.

  1. Clogged sprinkler head

This is one of the most common issue that you might have to face. It is seen more in underground sprinkler system. Rain and hail storms can cause the mud and dirt to get trapped into the sprinkler head. Sometimes, even the cuttings from your lawn mower can go and get stuck the sprinkler system.

Clogged heads cause the spray to be uneven, interrupted and in some cases even non-existent. Sometimes, the sprinkler would just leak water which surrounds the head. It is very easy to detect and fix it.

Depending on the blockage, there are different ways to clean the sprinkler head. If the blockage is less, you could simply use a paperclip and open it to form a wire, and use it to unblock the holes in the sprinkler head. Otherwise, you would have to thoroughly clean it, by dismantling all its parts, cleaning them separately (soak in soap solution and then brush and rinse them) and reattach all the components correctly.

To avoid such problems, you must try to regularly clean your sprinkler heads, which would ensure greater efficiency.


  1. Broken heads

It is seen that people have to replace the broken head of their sprinkler frequently. Sprinkler heads are designed to pop up from the ground when turned on and to retract when the system is turned off. Often, they are obstructed by mower blades or edging tools while landscaping. Luckily, it is extremely simple to replace the broken head. Simply unscrew the head, using a hex key or a screwdriver, remove it and screw in the replacement. Keep the old head in store for future reference.


  1. Sprinklers are too high

When the sprinkler head is too high above the ground, it leaves it in a vulnerable position. This is the most common reason for broken heads. You can fix this by lowering the heads, deeper into the soil. Cut about a foot square around the head with a shovel and remove the top layer of the soil carefully. Dig around the head. Gently push the head into the ground. Pack mud on all sides of it, without applying excessive pressure. Neatly replace the top soil and you are good to go.

Be careful while lowering the head. Do not push it below the ground level, as it would cause clogged heads.

  1. Stuck valves

When the sprinklers continue to work even after switching off the system, it makes a case for stuck valves. Home sprinklers have two valves, one at each end. Most commonly, debris hinders the valve from closing and stopping the water flow. You must check both the valves for blockage. Unscrew the solenoid and remove the blockage and fix it back.

In case the above tips do not help you fix the problems, must seek advice from professionals, who are trained to solve such matters.

16 Mar 2019

Steps to Properly Clean a Clogged Sprinkler Nozzle

If you want to keep your sprinklers just as they came new then you must prevent them from clogging. Clean sprinklers prevent clogging problems that can affect your lawn in many ways. You must clean your sprinklers once in a while to tackle problems before they arise. A lot of dirt can build-up over time, but consult an irrigation company or do the cleaning yourself. Here are steps to help you clean your sprinkler heads easily.


The sprinkler head comes built in with a sleeve. When you are not using the sprinkler, it remains inside the sleeve but when you want to spray it gets out of the sleeve. So the first step is to bring the head out of the sleeve in the position it would be if it were running.


Remove the sprinklers head by unscrewing it from the sleeves. In case you have trouble removing it then switch on the sprinkler so that the head pops up on its own. If the water pressure is too much then it can help you to remove the head easily but it will also make the situation messy for you.


Now once the sprinkler head is unscrewed, put them in lukewarm water. Let the head soak for a while. This will let loose the debris that has been stuck for a while in the sprinkler holes.


Meanwhile, as the heads soak, you pick up the sleeve and clean all the dirt as well as debris you find in the sleeve or around it.


Now pick up the soaked heads and take a wire to scrape any unwanted residue present in it. Even though a lot of debris will get clean when you soaked it in water but to scrape debris fully, use a wire and clean every dirt and debris from the sprinkler holes.


Now that you have cleaned the sleeve as well as the head, put them back together. Always remember that your head shouldn’t pop up like before. It should fit at ground level, lowered as usual.


Once you have put everything back as it is, now turn on the water to test the sprinklers. Check if there is any break or leak. Test each head to make sure it’s spraying cleanly and evenly without problems.


This step is to be followed only if there is any problem. If you find any leak or if the sprinkler is not functioning as it should then remove the head again to double-check. If you don’t screw it properly then it won’t pop and drop like it normally does. See if there is any trace of debris that is clogging proper functioning of the sprinkler. Repeat the above steps if you find debris or dirt. If the problem still persists then you might have to get your sprinkler replaced. However, if the problem continues even after replacing the head then you should check your electrical wiring and water connection. It is advisable to consult a leading irrigation company to clean your clogged sprinkler nozzle. Also, If at any time you feel uncomfortable pulling apart your sprinkler system, be sure to call in expert sprinkler repair to get the job done right.

Save your lawn from getting ruined by taking actions on time, as they say, stitch in time saves nine. So stay alert and understand the need of the situation.

17 Dec 2018

The Precautions To Be Taken During Landscape Sprinkler System Usage

Following is an enumeration that lists some of the major precautions that you would have to be aware of while you are installing or using your landscape sprinkler system on your residential premises.


The Measurement of Water

Make sure that while measuring the flow of the water, you are not using a bucket of gauge as a unit of measurement. The GPM value for your sprinkler system should be calculated on the basis of the size of the current water supply pipe that provides to your house. In some cases, you might be advised to measure the water by letting an existing faucet on and remarking on how much time it takes to fill a standard bucket. This is usually a do-it-yourself method. In other cases, you might also be advised to make use of a special gauge that would help you to measure the flow. All these methods can be applied for measurements.


Other Measurements

Nevertheless, however so you might decide to measure, you have to take into account that merely making a note of the flow from a faucet would not be an appropriate calculation, given that there are other variables that contribute to the whole process. In light of this fact, a possibility would be that there will be a situation where the irrigation system in your house is set at a higher level than what is permitted by your house’s plumbing system. This could result in serious damage and unnecessary repair costs on your part.


The Pipe Size

When you notice that when a faucet is turned on, and that the flow of the water is much higher than anticipated or seems to be exerting a great deal of pressure on your pipes, you would have to consult expert landscape sprinkler services to correct the issue. Keep in mind that running the water in this manner for a few minutes or even an hour or so it might not ostensibly cause substantial damage to your pipes, however, the pressure exerted over a prolonged period of time might accumulate to wreak havoc on the surface of your pipes, which are commonly named as ‘water hammer’ and ‘scrubbing’ damages. This would entail exorbitant repair and renovation costs and could even necessitate re-piping the entire plumbing system of your house. Therefore, make sure that you are conscientious of the pipe size and how it is proportional to the water supply volume.


The Overlap Of The Sprinklers

The factor that you would have to take into account is that your sprinklers must have an almost 100% overlap. There might be some instruction leaflets or manuals that will portrait coverage asks that do not go all the way from one sprinkler to the next. In this case, you must be aware that this methodology is a traditional one that is no longer in recommended use. Previously comma when there were no low floor sprinklers to help preserve water, this methodology was utilized throughout. However, now with the advent of new technological equipment and components, we have also found better processes of doing things. Today, most of the experts in this domain unanimously agree on the necessity of a near hundred percent overlap of sprinklers. If in case there isn’t a hundred percent overlap of the sprinklers, you might risk over watering your lawn in order to provide more water supply to the drier spots. This could engender a breeding ground for a spectrum of landscape diseases.


If you happen to be in need of available memory comes to consultancy services or products relating to landscape sprinkler systems or irrigation systems in Toronto, you can solicit the services of Pro Green Irrigation.


05 Nov 2018

Tips for Planning an Efficient Drip Irrigation System

If you’re looking to improve your landscape irrigation system, drip irrigation is the best option. The system of drip irrigation is becoming more and more popular worldwide because of its various advantages.

The biggest advantage of installing drip irrigation systems is its ability to efficiently deliver the exact amount of water required by your plants. Thus, it ensures water conservation and results in reduced water bills. The drip irrigation system distributes water slowly and at a regular interval which helps in increasing the crop production, in addition to saving more water as compared to a sprinkler. A drip irrigation system when installed in conjunction with a water timer, automatically feeds your plants daily.

Planning and installing drip irrigation systems requires some knowledge in this field. If you’re planning to install a drip irrigation system of your own, you need to determine the rate of flow of your drip emitters, the types of plants you are watering and the condition of the soil. You will need to do some homework to successfully implement drip irrigation systems that use water responsibly while allowing landscapes to flourish.

You need to follow the step by step process to create an efficient low-volume irrigation system. Here we have listed five considerations for planning a drip irrigation system.

  • Consider the topography, size of the area, and the water flow rate to determine the size of the pipes required. If the area is non-grassy, densely planted with homogeneous plants, it is best to provide it uniform and consistent root watering. Moreover, to find out the right size of the system and water flow, you will need to figure out the elevation of the area you’re going to irrigate. This is because any change in elevation results in a change in the pressure and you may need pressure compensation within the system on steep slopes.
  • The water source for your irrigation is one of the important considerations. Before installing your drip irrigation system think about the quality of your water source because you might need to adjust the water pH level, depending on your crops. For instance, if you’re going to use pond water source, it will require the installation of a filtering system.
  • Watering needs of plants depend on several factors, such as species, climate and planting density. Also, plants have different watering needs than grass, so your irrigation system should allow different settings for drip and sprinkler points. Find out the amount of water needed by each type of plant within the irrigation site to determine the most effective irrigation methods. This will also help you in deciding the types of emitters required for different groups of plantings.
  • You will need to calculate system runtime which is dictated by the irrigation needs of the base plant. Base plants require the least water and irrigating this plant determines how long it takes to provide adequate hydration. So, the flow rates to other plants must be adjusted for adequate hydration during that same amount of time. This will help in determining the irrigation interval that how often you’ll run your system.
  • Above all, make sure when planning a drip irrigation system to draw a sketch of your project area by locating your water source and other important points. This basic sketch will help you better visualize your project and in avoiding mistakes.

Thus, the landscape and drip irrigation designers consider various factors, that is, size of a planted area, plant’s root depth, soil type, water requirement and density of planting for designing an efficient drip irrigation system. The process of designing may seem complicated but the outcome surpasses all the efforts.


03 Jan 2017

How to Maintain Your Lawn Watering Sprinkler System in GTA Throughout the Year

Here are some top tips to help ensure that the irrigation system you have in your garden remains working at peak performance.  The sprinkler system will need to be looked after to make sure that it can continue to water your beautiful garden as effectively as possible,

1. Check the ground for anything that should not be there.

You should inspect the soil to see if there is any grit or stones that may interfere with the deployment of your sprinkler system heads.  Many homes in the Richmond Hill area of Toronto are subject to this problem.

The problem of new objects in your garden is not limited to where the sprinkler heads are, if you have any thing that can affect the drainage of the water you may be unintentionally diverting water away from some of your plants.  This can be caused by even the smallest collection of stones.

2. You may need to replace components periodically.

Even though sprinkler systems in Toronto are built to last the very fact that they are outside means that they can become damaged in any number of ways.  It may become necessary on the rare occasion to replace a nozzle or sprinkler head.  As you perform your spring inspection on the condition of your irrigation system you should take extra special care to examine the components for cracks and blockages.

3. Check to see if the soil in your garden in frozen.

Towards the beginning of the spring it may appear that the soil has thawed completely under a cursory inspection, it is quite possible however, that the ground just a little bit deeper is still frozen.  The danger for your sprinkler system here is that if you begin to use it too early, overnight the water in the pipes may freeze and cause damage.  A good way to be sure that it is time to activate your sprinkler system is to check to see that the soil has thawed out up to a depth of 8 to 12 inches.

4. Take a good look at the device you use to control the sprinkler.

Another great first step to guaranteeing that the sprinkler system will function well until next fall is to make sure that the controller for the irrigation unit is working well and if it is battery powered, you should replace the batteries. A power failure during the middle of summer would not be the best thing for your plants as it may take you a few programmed cycles to notice that the sprinkler system is not running.

5. The valves need to form a proper seal

As with anything that uses and controls the flow of water, the valves of a sprinkler system are vital to the efficient and proper running of any irrigation system.  A leaky or damaged valve can increase your water bill.  A good indication of a faulty valve is that you may have an area of your lawn that is considerably wetter than the rest.

If you turn on the water on full blast can potentially cause damage to the valves.  By taking the time to gradually increase the water pressure you will help to reduce the chance of anything untoward happening.

By following these steps, you can then sit back and relax as your sprinkler system comes to life and provides your garden with the exact amount of water it needs to flourish for another year.