When you love gardening and want your yard to remain in good health, then you require a well-equipped irrigation system. These days different types of irrigation systems are available from gardens. But important is that you should be responsible and make sure that water is not wasted. A simple and efficient solution to this is installing rain sensors. Getting rain sensors installed ensure that the irrigation system is deactivated during rain. Rain sensors interact with an automatic sprinkler system so that it does not water the yard directly after a good rain.

Now, let us look at more benefits of rain sensors when you get it installed along with the irrigation system.

  1. Help in conserving water – The main purpose of the rain sensor is to conserve water. It does so by detecting the rain and then turning the sprinklers off. Rain sensors send signals to irrigation controllers to shut off the set timers if any. Water wastage is reduced to a great level as the yard is already watered through the rain. Plus point is that rainwater is a good source of minerals and thus can provide a sufficient amount of nutrients to plants. With the advent of technology, such sensors are also available, that can power the sprinklers on when watering is required or when they sense evaporating.
  2. Helps in preventing water damage – Over-watering can lead to different diseases in plants. It washes off all the essential nutrients from the top layer of the soil that directly affect the health of plants. Rain sensors avoid water-logging, which both rain and sprinklers can cause. The sensors automatically turn on the sprinklers when the soil dries. This automatic system is quite beneficial and time-saving. It also prevents water damage that can happen to plants.
  3. Increase the life of irrigation system – The rain sensors when used along with the irrigation system let sprinklers rest when it rains. The more you will rely on rain water; the lesser sprinklers have to work. Since the irrigation system operates less, it will be the least damaged. So, they will last longer.
  4. Helps in saving money – When the irrigation system functions daily, your electricity and water bills increases. In this rain, sensors can help a lot. They don’t let the irrigation system to irrigate the yard unnecessarily. Thus your money on bills will be saved to a huge extent. Moreover, the components of the irrigation system will not require frequent changes, and therefore, their durability will increase.
  5. Helps in reducing groundwater pollution – Excess of water on the soil leads to water runoff along with debris. Irrigation systems combined with rain sensors don’t let this happen. They prevent runoff water carrying chemicals, fertilizers and other waste from seeping into the groundwater. Runoff water can otherwise pollute the groundwater with all the rubbish and chemicals.

So what are you waiting for? If you also love mother earth and are against water wastage, then get an irrigation system with rain sensors installed in your yard.